Example sentences for: phenotyping

How can you use “phenotyping” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Knowing the precise location of breakpoints in RI lines also makes it possible to map modifier loci of mutations by making and phenotyping a set of different F1 crosses made between inbred carrier stock (for example, a knockout carried on a C57BL/6 background) and fully typed RI lines.

  • In contrast, the case-control approach allows prospective phenotyping of all subjects at the time of onset of stroke, which may be more reliable than retrospective phenotyping.

  • Comparative gene expression using microarrays plays an increasingly important role in analysis of biological control mechanisms, phenotyping, cell classification, and a variety of other applications (see [ 1 2 3 ] , for review).

  • The advantages of the ECG recording and analyses paradigm we developed are clear, given the high cost of breeding, housing, and transporting mice, and the call for comprehensive yet widely available phenotyping tests [ 7].

  • The surrogates were also able to subdivide large contact surfaces into smaller contact domains through which target activity can be modified [ 7 ] . These attributes point to surrogate use in phenotyping and validating novel genes whose functions are unknown and for which no known partners exist.

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