Example sentences for: paths

How can you use “paths” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Give the mob the slip by walking along clearly marked paths to the far end of the lake, with some pleasant teahouses on the way.

  • To provide a guidance for future work, we analysed some of the more promising paths that we discovered to assess their viability in improving our methods and making better predictions, focusing on four major areas: alignment, refinement, sampling, and selection.

  • A maze of paths leads down to the rocky shore and around the cliffs — a geology textbook of tortured strata.

  • There are monasteries and famous scenic spots every few kilometers along the paths to the summit, but this is a climb (for the energetic only) that requires several days.

  • It is one of the most exclusive, too, though somewhat democratized these days by the groups of boules players on its graveled side paths.

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