Example sentences for: account

How can you use “account” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The requirement of specific protein-protein interactions between the two domains could also account for the weak relaxation activity observed for the hybrid topoisomerase with ZD linked to topoisomerase III sequence [ 21 ] .

  • In short, veterans undergoing revascularization procedures in non-VA centers were not included in the age-adjusted rates reported in this paper, and this in part could account for the lower rates.

  • The same two pathways invoked to explain SAR and PR-1 induction could potentially account for PR-2 and PR-5 induction if this assumption were correct.

  • Because a competing interests statement accompanies every article published in PLoS Medicine , readers can take these interests into account when they assess a paper themselves.

  • (Click for Jacob Weisberg's account of Alan Keyes' deranged performance.)

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