Example sentences for: accomplishments

How can you use “accomplishments” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The many accomplishments of Clinton's administration, most especially his management of the economy, resulted much more from the sharpness and discipline of Clinton's mind than from the shiftiness and dithering of Clinton's temperament (which some people have mistaken for brilliant leadership).

  • Some of the reviews of that film were hilarious in the way they praised it for accomplishments that had no remote connection, I suspect, to the way it was seen, perceived, enjoyed, and understood by most audiences.

  • When I tried to view the "GOP Environmental Accomplishments" page, I got error messages on five successive days.

  • Critics marvel at the life and accomplishments of this public relations pioneer.

  • Mr. Chairman, I am also proud of GAO's accomplishments in supporting the Congress and helping improve the performance and accountability of government for the benefit of the American people.

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