Example sentences for: accidental

How can you use “accidental” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The difficulties Bin Ladin began to encounter in Sudan in 1995, his move to Afghanistan in 1996, and the months spent establishing ties with the Taliban may also have played a role, as did Banshiri's accidental drowning.

  • In fact, there is a weird and wholly accidental consistency in these policies.

  • My mother-in-law has told me that the ex confessed to planning the "accidental" pregnancy because my husband was talking of leaving her, and she hoped it would keep him around.

  • But, two months after the death of 2Pac Shakur, the ironies of his passing are looking not so much accidental as suspiciously well orchestrated.

  • The scene I've just described is an exemplary Tom Stoppard moment: A literary in-joke that turns on the accidental, and wholly conjectural, collision of two historical figures.

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