Example sentences for: accord

How can you use “accord” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Oslo accord predicated progress on the PLO holding democratic elections . May 1999 is the deadline for an agreement over Jerusalem, a city that both parties claim as their capital and which neither wants to share.

  • In Israel, Ha'aretz led Friday with the United States urgently pressing Prime Minister Ehud Barak to make implementation of the Wye River accord his top priority and to carry out agreed Israeli pullbacks from the West Bank.

  • The New York Times leads with the national tobacco accord's plummeting prospects.

  • The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times lead with the U.S. and its European allies putting diplomatic pressure on both Yugoslavia and ethnic Albanian leaders to accept a peace accord regarding Kosovo province before a Saturday deadline, while making preparations for NATO airstrikes in case they don't.

  • This suggests that nearly 1% of Drosophila genes are miRNAs, a figure that is in relative accord with the percentage recently ascribed to vertebrate genomes [ 31 ] .

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