Example sentences for: accompany

How can you use “accompany” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Thus, our data also suggest that epigenetic changes that accompany methylation are common in CC and play critical role in CC development.

  • The overlapping dialogue and squealing Cuban-African music heard over tinny-sounding radios seems meant to induce a migraine to accompany the seasickness.

  • In a front-page opinion piece Sunday titled "The Spectre of Vietnam," La Repubblica U.S. bureau chief Vittorio Zucconi wrote that despite the instinctive patriotic solidarity that would accompany the president into battle, "the United States isn't marching into war against Saddam; it is being dragged."

  • When moaning, groaning, and grimacing accompany the agitation and restlessness, they are frequently interpreted as physical pain (90).

  • Stress proteins have been shown to be expressed in non-stressed cells during development and differentiation [ 25 ] . Hsps were shown to be expressed during the differentiation of mammalian osteoblasts and promelocytic leukemia cells [ 26 ] . In addition, hsp expression has been shown to accompany growth arrest in human B lymphocytes [ 27 ] and macrophage differentiation of HL 60 cells [ 28 ] . During myogenic differentiation, mRNA for alphaB increases in conjunction with the induction of mRNA for myogenin, the earliest known event in myogenesis [ 29 ] . The addition of exogenous alpha-crystallin to primary bovine lens epithelium was shown to induce rapid changes in cell shape, leading to the formation of lentoid bodies [ 21 ] . These studies strongly suggest that the hsp family of proteins has other functions in addition to protecting proteins and cells during stress.

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