Example sentences for: accommodation

How can you use “accommodation” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Even where the President has made a formal claim of Executive Privilege, which is not the case here, federal courts have held that the executive and legislative branches have a duty to attempt to reach a mutual accommodation.

  • Stanial Cay offers accommodation as well as yachting supplies.

  • The emperors and their retinue required suitable accommodation, so the place was provided with delightful pavilions, pools, and gardens.

  • Naturally, then, prices are much higher here than in the other coastal resorts, but you get what you pay for in terms of superior standards of accommodation, service, and cuisine.

  • Germany is dragging down the euro, but both might rebound because the new government is deregulating, unions are learning accommodation, and a cheaper euro may boost exports.

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