Example sentences for: accountable

How can you use “accountable” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • There are two problems with Brill's Content . The first is that though the editor seems to envision a magazine that will hold the press accountable to a wider public, he has created one that is unlikely to interest anyone outside the media.

  • Sweeney blasts "trade accords negotiated behind closed doors" and demands that the WTO become "open" and "accountable."

  • Congress should set a specific date for the completion of these plans and hold the Department of Homeland Security and TSA accountable for achieving them.

  • The agency is accountable only to the prime minister and has little civilian oversight; even the size of its budget remains a secret.

  • For example, members of the FAA Logistics Center's integrated product teams were accountable for all aspects of the Center's products, including maintenance, repair, storage, and shipping.

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