Example sentences for: inhibitory

How can you use “inhibitory” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A direct inhibitory action of olanzapine on the EUS muscle itself is not expected and was not seen with clozapine [ 7 ] . However, antimuscarinic effects alone cannot account for all of the effects of olanzapine on the EUS, since risperidone had a similar effect although not quite as pronounced and risperidone has little or no affinity for muscarinic receptors [ 16 ] . Therefore, antagonism of other transmitter systems, e.g.

  • To test whether myelin-associated neurite-inhibitors are involved, conditions known to block myelin-associated inhibitory activity were used.

  • It is also possible that ProCT and its component peptides are released by non-NE cells, which normally possess regulatory mechanisms limiting the expression of ProCT mRNA; these inhibitory mechanisms may be deregulated by unusually high levels of inflammatory mediators.

  • Over the last 50 years, the widespread usage of fluoridated water and fluoridated dentrifices have been cited as major reasons for a decline in caries since the early 1970s [ 1 ] , and for the appearance of a significant association between oral hygiene and caries experience [ 2 3 4 ] . An inverse relationship exists between salivary fluoride concentration and caries experience in the deciduous and permanent dentition [ 5 ] , but fluoride concentration is excluded from most caries prediction models [ 6 7 ] . Acids in bacterial plaques cause caries in pits, fissures and interdental regions of teeth, but they also enhance the inhibitory effect of fluoride on demineralization, confounding the ability to predict caries from the salivary fluoride concentration [ 8 9 ] .

  • The Hh-blocking antibody 5E1 had no effect on pathway activation by the agonist (Figure 4b), while forskolin (Figure 4c), cyclopamine (Figure 4d) and Cur61414 (Figure 4e), were all inhibitory.

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