Example sentences for: adverbial

How can you use “adverbial” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • English Adverbial Collocations,

  • I think that the substantive tanto ought to be here instead of the adverbial tan .

  • Two other notable dictionaries come from Poland: Selected English Collocations , by H. Dzierżanowska and C. Kozlowska (PWN Warsaw, 2nd ed., 1988) and English Adverbial Collocations , by C. Kozlowska (PWN Warsaw, 1991).

  • During the hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee Judge Clarence Thomas read a categorical statement denying flatly and absolutely the charges of sexual harassment against him, but he used the adverbial “uncategorically,” thus negating the very essence of his statement.

  • As only Chomskyan grammar is covered in the book, entries are lacking for such common grammatical concepts—albeit from other disciplines, like traditional grammar— substantive, dependent clause, independent clause, conjunctive adverb, adverbial conjunction, misplaced (or dangling) modifier , etc.—all terms well established in discussions of nonChomskyan grammar.

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