Example sentences for: adventurers

How can you use “adventurers” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Unfortunately, these beautiful grottoes have been largely emptied by rival religious groups and by archaeological adventurers from the West.

  • On the northern coast of Eleuthera Island is Preacher’s Cave, the spot where the original adventurers are said to have been shipwrecked.

  • At his bidding, French buccaneers and adventurers, some of them noblemen, started planting the flag on Caribbean real estate in 1625.

  • Or should the TAS build and patrol walls around the TPS to keep adventurers and entrepreneurs from preying on the TPS?

  • We are an odd collection of "adventurers, loners, and losers," as illustrated by a sex crime described in lurid detail.

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