Example sentences for: adversary

How can you use “adversary” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Organized crime was soon to have a formidable adversary in its bid to control Las Vegas — corporate cash.

  • Nor did Hitler try to abolish capitalism, as Lukacs suggests, although, like his adversary Roosevelt, he did expand state supervision of private industry.

  • Ten years ago when I was a legal services program director in Iowa, the private bar was either our adversary or a somewhat disfavored cousin in the family of legal services.

  • According to the LAT the EU, our main adversary in the debate, "agreed to consider eliminating export subsidies ...

  • Meanwhile, Gandhi vehemently opposed any dismemberment of the country, and tried to keep people united by fasting to uphold the spirit of love, and by focussing on the common adversary: the British.

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