Example sentences for: adverbs

How can you use “adverbs” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He then explained that he too had discovered the formula for the two-word adverb clause and that, moreover, he had been able to replace all nouns, adjectives, and adverbs with phrases and clauses.

  • Would Mellinkoff banish such useful words as heretofore, theretofore, hereto, and therefor ? Would we abandon the subjunctive mood, adverbs, Latin idioms, bon mots, and the like?

  • Again and again one hears local and national broadcasters according an extra syllable to past participles as if the words were back-formed from adverbs, e.g., allegèd, assurèd, composèd, markèd, suffusèd, supposèd.

  • To make up for the missing verbs he attempted to add interest by scattering adjectives and adverbs everywhere.

  • She relies heavily--very heavily--on adverbs, which serve to pepper her noncommittal reviews with small emphatic bursts and to jack up her celebrations (from a 565-word review of Velvet Goldmine : "dazzlingly surreal," "brilliantly reimagines," "spectacularly reborn," "dramatically presided," "stunningly pretty," "fabulously charismatic," "hilariously decadent," "typically wicked").

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