Example sentences for: adventurous

How can you use “adventurous” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While young adventurous travelers still flock to Dali, the opening of several new hotels and a modern airport an hour away has brought this exquisite little Chinese Shangri-La within any visitor’s reach.

  • Sport fishing will appeal to the more adventurous, and this part of the coast is just the place for it; consequently, numerous boats operate from Puerto Rico.

  • I've tried to do the same in writing about the place, for while I think Celebration is a flawed experiment with insidious implications, I also think that Disney was adventurous to try it, and that the architects and planners Disney employed to make it a reality are in thrall to a worthy ideal.

  • "They undoubtedly bear the novelty-seeking and risk-taking gene discovered in Israel that makes members impulsive, adventurous, and tend to take chances with drugs, sex, speed, and other potentially dangerous activities."

  • The reservoir divides the Simatai wall from another section, known as Jinshanling, which adventurous hikers can also tackle.

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