Example sentences for: adversarial

How can you use “adversarial” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He criticizes reporters (mostly political reporters) who maintain that an adversarial relationship with government is healthy, believing instead that some fabled cooperation with civic groups would be better.

  • Also, the paper says, a new industry ad campaign will, unlike previously adversarial spots, be conciliatory on the subject.

  • They're so impressed by Bloomfield's adversarial stance toward celebrity culture that they overlook the main achievement of the film, which is (here Culturebox must repeat herself): to air accusations of murder without offering evidence that the accused is guilty of anything other than being an ambitious loudmouth and drug user.

  • In 1999, guided by the belief that access to quality legal services is critical to a fair adversarial justice system and committed to making significant improvements in the delivery system the LSC Board of Directorsv approved and enacted its own strategic plan-Strategic Directions 2000-2005-which was adopted in January 2000.

  • By saying nothing about Wright's student-teacher relationship with Clinton, the Jones camp allowed the Clintonites to define it as adversarial.

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