Example sentences for: och

How can you use “och” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Och, he intoned with Bren-gun rapidity, He's jeest a nyatterin' wee nyaff wi' a skelly cacke'e an' a manky, broony-kinna gansey.

  • In 1786 Robert Burns used it in his poem, Epistle to a Young Friend, in which he, interestingly, warned against casual sexual indulgence: I waive the quantum o' the sin, / The hazard of concealing; / But, och! it hardens a' within, / And petrifies the feeling.

  • A World War I Punch cartoon showed a Scottish soldier outside a cafe in France explaining to a new arrival: Och, mon, it's an easy language.

  • On the basis of observations [ 12 13 ] discussed above, one would expect AppppA with two phosphorothioadenosyl substituents to be a slow substrate with a relatively low K m . However, carbon in place of the β phosphorus (for example in 6b ) would make the leaving group the alkoxide - OCH 2 -CH(OH)-CH 2 O-phosphorothioadenosyl rather than α-thio ATP.

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