Example sentences for: oci

How can you use “oci” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Three (OCI Ly1 and DLBCL0009 and tonsil) errors were produced over 96 donors in 2 separate series (data not shown).

  • The following additional data files containing the primary data for the figures are included with this article: Figure 1a, flavopiridol titration ( Excel csv file); Figure 1c, Cdk inhibitors ( Excel csv file); Figure 2a, flavopiridol, actinomycin D and DRB ( Excel csv file); Figure 3, half-lives of well-measured genes ( Excel csv file); Figure 4a, proliferation genes ( Excel csv file); Figure 4b, anti-apoptotic genes ( Excel csv file); Figure 4d, induced genes in OCI -Ly3 cells ( Excel csv file); Figure 5c, highly induced genes in PBMC ( Excel csv file); Figure 5d, highly induced chemokines, cytokines and their receptors ( Excel csv file).

  • Induced genes in OCI -Ly3 cells

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