Example sentences for: oci-ly

How can you use “oci-ly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Two anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members that were expressed in OCI-Ly3 cells - A1 and MCL1 - had mRNA half-lives shorter than 3 hours.

  • This analysis of mRNA turnover in OCI-Ly3 cells therefore suggested that transcriptionally inducible genes are, as a class, likely to generate labile mRNAs.

  • Given the demonstration that flavopiridol is a global transcriptional inhibitor, we wished to understand the selective activity of flavopiridol against certain cancer types in vivo . Clearly, genes with short mRNA half-lives would be most rapidly and quantitatively inhibited by flavopiridol, and thus we wished to assign the genes with short half-lives in OCI-Ly3 cells to functional classes.

  • OCI-Ly3 cells were treated with each inhibitor, and the resultant changes in gene expression were found to be virtually indistinguishable (Figure 2a).

  • The following test [ 42], was used to evaluate whether the proportion of induced genes with half-life less than 2 h is statistically different from the proportion of not induced genes with half-life less than 2 h, for both the OCI-Ly3 (Figure 4c) and PBMC (Figure 5a):

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