Example sentences for: ocelote

How can you use “ocelote” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Let us now pass on to the names of some clothing items that Texans borrowed and then passed on to the rest of the country: sombrero, mantilla, poncho, rebozo, serape , and huarache . A number of animals and vegetables followed the same route: avocado from aguacate; mesquite; sapodilla from zapote; guayule; coyote; armadillo; ocelot from ocelote; chaparral ; and javalina from jabalina . Since cattle ranching is common to both sides of the border, it should come as no surprise that there has been an exchange of ranch-related words: lariat from la reata; bronco; lasso from lazo; rodeo; chaps from chaparreras; charro; hackamore from jáquima; mustang from mestengo ; and quirt from cuerda or cuarta .

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