Example sentences for: oceans

How can you use “oceans” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • So, for example, at least 10% of the living biomass on earth consists of bacteria living deep in the oceans' sediments: it would take more than an asteroid impact to disturb them.

  • While applauding co-pilot Brian Jones for overachieving, the media concluded in retrospect that the pilot, Bertrand Piccard, had been destined for greatness, since his grandfather was the first man to reach the stratosphere (in a balloon in 1931) and his father had attained the oceans' lowest depth (35,000 feet).

  • It is actually one of the key motivators behind the conservative obsession with a national missile defense--a technological fix that would conveniently replace the oceans in allowing the United States to avoid a lot of pro-active foreign involvement.

  • “Sea ice is the engine that drives Antarctic ecosystems,” says William Fraser, a principal investigator for the Palmer Long Term Ecological Research program (LTER) and president of Polar Oceans Research Group in Montana.

  • The collapse of the wall between the terrestrial and celestial was followed by a collapse of the once equally firm (and now equally forgotten) wall between the past, when divine cataclysms were supposed to have shaped the earth, and the present, with its seemingly permanent mountains and oceans.

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