Words similar to granulomatous
Example sentences for: granulomatous
How can you use “granulomatous” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
The phenotype of the Blau syndrome resembles another multisystem granulomatous disorder, Crohn's disease (MIM 266600), and another autoimmune disease, psoriasis (MIM 177900).
To our knowledge, only one other case of a systemic granulomatous reaction to SSZ has been reported which improved within 24 hours of SSZ discontinuation [ 18 ] . In other cases of granulomatous drug reactions, multi-organ involvement with fevers and eosinophilia have been reported [ 19 20 ] .
Although Still's disease can rarely lead to hepatic involvement with cholestatic hepatitis, the prior history of rheumatoid factor seropositivity and a low serum ferritin level made this diagnosis unlikely [ 21 ] . Granulomatous hepatitis with marked elevations in serum alkaline phosphatase and granulomas on liver biopsy have been reported in patients with SSZ hepatotoxicity [ 22 23 24 ] . Although liver tissue was not obtained in our patient, the predominance of serum alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin level elevations and the presence of granulomas in other tissues suggest that she probably had granulomatous hepatitis.
Johne's disease, also called paratuberculosis, is a chronic granulomatous enteritis of ruminant animals caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis ( M. paratuberculosis ). While Johne's disease can end in death of the animal, the economic impact of this disease is much more significant [ 1 2 ] . Losses are estimated to be $200/clinically infected cow/year and are a result of animal culling, reduced milk production, poor reproductive performance, and reduced carcass value [ 1 3 ] . Research on the pathogenesis and immunology of M. paratuberculosis infections of cattle is necessary to allow design of more rational diagnostic and control procedures.
Lastly, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis with extraintestinal manifestations was a possibility with her severe iron deficiency anemia, diarrhea, and granulomatous enteritis.