Example sentences for: dimes

How can you use “dimes” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The column concluded: "The best advice one can offer Bill Gates is to start handing out money to children; I know he will need to offer them dollar bills rather than dimes."

  • They took piano lessons; he taught himself the trombone and busked for dimes on Main Street.

  • ' " Lord Rees-Mogg said that "[t]he precedents under American law are that Microsoft will not be allowed to expand, or even retain, its present degree of monopoly," and he suggests that Gates take a leaf out of the book of John D. Rockefeller who, in his later years, consulted a public-relations firm and "took to giving out dimes to children in the street in order to soften his image as a hard-hearted businessman."

  • During the 1950s, March of Dimes (see www.marchofdimes.com) developed polio vaccines without any patents at all [15].

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