Example sentences for: decayed

How can you use “decayed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Alternating 600 to 200 million years ago between dry land and sea, the region developed a plant and animal life that decayed to form the oil, coal, and natural gas at the base of the province’s modern prosperity.

  • Because caries experience associated with fluoride and gingival health in high responders, poor gingival health should increase the number of decayed teeth (DT) more than in low responders.

  • The team dug up the head, which had partially thawed and decayed, then halted digging for fear of destroying their find.

  • Despite few investigations of caries risk in 22-38 year old subjects compared with a younger or older group [ 7 ] , the association of DMFT with PL in this study agrees with that obtained from 35 year old Norwegians [ 3 ] . Plaque (simplified oral hygiene index measurement) accounted for 15% of the variance in number of decayed/filled teeth surfaces in that study, and for 19% of the DMFT variance within all 151 clinically examined subjects in this study (ignoring age, antibody and all other variables).

  • In addition, gingivitis (BOP prevalence) associated strongly and significantly with the number of decayed (untreated) teeth, suggesting that preventing gingivitis increased fluoride exposure from dentrifices and reduced the number of decayed teeth.

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