Example sentences for: decapitated

How can you use “decapitated” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Animal-righters waved posters of decapitated cows.

  • The mothers were euthenized with CO 2 and embryos placed in PB and decapitated rapidly.

  • The German weekly Der Spiegel carried a story to the same effect, while Le Monde of Paris reported Sunday on its front page about another plan to murder a dictator (Hitler)--one for which a 25-year-old Swiss man named Maurice Bavaud was decapitated in Berlin in May 1941.

  • After 24 hours, the mice were decapitated, testes removed, isolated germ cells processed for flow cytometric estimation, and tissue sections for TUNEL as described above.

  • Suspect animals are decapitated and their bodies incinerated.

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