Example sentences for: deceit

How can you use “deceit” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It quoted Dick Morris, the president's former special adviser, as saying the White House strategy in dealing with the Monica crisis was one of "deceit, denial and delay.

  • Curiously, Richard Nixon, that archetype of political deceit, provides no ready example of résumé rewriting--unless you want to count "I am not a crook."

  • Only Clinton's public deceit is at issue.

  • As a symbol of industry arrogance and deceit, you'd have to search far and wide to find a better example than the photo of those seven execs.

  • Indelicato (indelicate, unscrupulous) or Inganni ( inganno deceit) would do if one was not to be trusted, but Tagliavini ( tagliare to cut, vino `wine; in other words, one who would stoop to adulterating wine) had a certain extra punch.

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