Example sentences for: decedent

How can you use “decedent” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It's conceivable that some of these allegations are true, and there's no harm in checking them out, as long as the decedent's family agrees to participate.

  • Earlier this summer the alleged Mexican drug baron Amado Carrillo Fuentes apparently died on the operating table while undergoing cosmetic surgery of Trojan horse amplitude; law-enforcement officials needed to perform forensic testing to confirm that the decedent was, in fact, Carrillo.

  • The longevity of a cadaver's flesh and innards depends largely on the embalming, the casket (hermetic ones preserve better), the decedent's diet (certain bacteria thrive on fat), and the warmth of the ground (a good freeze kills off bacteria).

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