Example sentences for: adenylates

How can you use “adenylates” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The ThiF protein adenylates ThiS prior to sulfuration of that protein by a separate sulfurtransferase [ 23 24 ] . Pfam00899 encompasses the nucleotide binding site of ThiF.

  • A dimer of MoeB adenylates the MoaD subunits of molybdopterin synthase that, after the conversion of these AMP moieties to thiocarboxylates by a sulfurtransferase, goes on to convert precursor Z to molybdopterin (MPT) [ 5 6 ] . Molybdopterin synthase is a heterotetrameric protein composed of two units each of MoaD and MoaE.

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