Example sentences for: actual

How can you use “actual” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The NYT reports that Clinton "set no clear timetable" for action and that 48 to 72 hours would pass between NATO orders and actual strikes.

  • Not being an actual mobster (to my everlasting regret), my assessment might be worth bupkus (as the hysterical Silvio Dante would say), but The Sopranos accurately captures the desperation of today's mobsters.

  • Actual slogans include "Walk, Don't Run," "Watch the Gap," and "Stay Alert, Stay Alive" and feature little mockery and derision.

  • Thus, certain experimental designs may not be appropriate to ascertain the actual in vivo biochemistry of a protein.

  • In addition, a recent study [ 5 ] found high correlation between the intensities from the calculated pool and those from the actual pool using the same samples, (although in that study the pooling effect on reducing variance was not explicitly addressed).

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