Example sentences for: actually

How can you use “actually” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • To these folks, the fact that I was editor in chief of my college paper more than two decades ago might be considered a plus, but the fact that I am actually doing this stuff is a big minus.

  • In tandem is often used to mean simultaneously or even side-by-side, but a tandem hitch is actually one or two horses ranged one in front of the other, in a single line, with tandem originally going back to a Latin pun.

  • Actually, reporters didn't have to spin Ginsburg's remark or any other line put out by the Clinton camp.

  • In this regard, our demonstration that the expression of TGF-βs in the preclinical rat model is unaffected by tamoxifen, 9cRA, and 4-HPR may actually have positive implications, because these agents are already in clinical use.

  • Off-line readers put Web sites--and Web advertisers--in the same position as their counterparts in the print world (although the off-line reader built into Microsoft's upcoming Internet Explorer 4.0 will actually send the server a log of the user's reading habits).

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