Example sentences for: actresses

How can you use “actresses” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • If they didn’t make it as actresses, the “schools” turned them into call girls for the producers, and in 1922 the lurid rape trial of comic Fatty Arbuckle highlighted Hollywood’s decadent lifestyle of fast cars, bootleg whisky, and drugs.

  • It was such adoration that defined his hobby, which consisted in rummaging expeditions in search of memorabilia in which the ballerinas and actresses of his distant passions were present, as the loved one is fetishistically present in scraps and ribbons, snapshots and locks of hair, faded clippings and yellowing dance cards.

  • Historical films are usually kind to the olden days, updating the principal women's clothes so the actresses look attractive by modern standards.

  • His administration would have collapsed under the relentless reporting of his dalliances with actresses such as Marilyn Monroe and Angie Dickinson, unsavory characters such as mob moll Judith Campbell Exner, suspected East German spy Ellen Rometsch, and twentysomething White House staffers known as Fiddle and Faddle.

  • This time, actors and actresses have Hollywood over a barrel, and they may just succeed in becoming the next generation of auteurs.

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