Example sentences for: activists

How can you use “activists” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Census Bureau's "multiracial" proposal has provoked strong reactions from civil-rights activists who fear that many African Americans will defect to the new category, thus diluting black political power.

  • Which brings us to Question 2. When Big Tobacco was finally brought to the bargaining table, why didn't the anti-tobacco activists rejoice?

  • Fortunately, political and religious leaders stopped barbecuing astronomers for saying so, turning their spits with human-rights activists instead.

  • Like the '80s activists who used the phrase "economic democracy" as their euphemism for socialism, Rosen cribs the word "democracy" to serve as a vague stand-in for the Deweyan utopia he wants us to build.

  • Gorney will probably be praised for having drawn unusually nuanced portraits of abortion activists on both sides--humanizing them and in so doing narrowing the gap between them.

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