Example sentences for: activism

How can you use “activism” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • They deem its tone appropriately "admiring but not worshipful" (Richard Bernstein, the New York Times ). And they praise its focus on Robinson's stubbornly independent political activism.

  • In the White House, Eleanor is too immersed in her life of women's activism to change.

  • George W. Bush is repudiating the goal of limited government and embracing Bill Clinton's commitment to "government activism for the middle class."

  • Law Professor Erwin Chemerinsky opines in the Los Angeles Times that the decision is "the height of conservative judicial activism" because it "invented new rights for state governments at the expense of individuals."

  • A simple historical cycle consists of alternating phases of political activism followed by political passivity.

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