Example sentences for: accuracy

How can you use “accuracy” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • When more genomes are included, both the coevolution signal and the noise signal are 'amplified', so we would not expect the accuracy of the phylogenetic method to improve dramatically when a larger, randomly selected genome set is sampled unless a clever sampling strategy is used.

  • The purpose of the self-inspection process is to give our grantees a means to ensure that their CSR data meet LSC standards for accuracy.

  • The main problem with them is that they rely on the compiler's ability to anticipate with some accuracy the associative contextual framework of the user.

  • But as an English professor who tries to teach the spirit of literature, I have a vested interest in accuracy.

  • The site republishes articles from the Times , Accuracy in Media, the Tribune-Review , the Washington Weekly , the Telegraph , and other publications.

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