Example sentences for: phrases

How can you use “phrases” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • After that, she's remembered as the queen scene maker of Modernist Paris, the friend and patron of Picasso and Matisse and later Hemingway who turned out cryptic, quotable phrases such as "a rose is a rose is a rose" and "there's no there there."

  • But it was Heller's special insight that the ideas and phrases that make the most attractive candidates for Washingtonspeak start out by containing almost no meaning at all . From Good as Gold , here is Bruce Gold, a middle-aged English professor living in Manhattan, being recruited by phone for a Washington job by his friend Ralph Newsome, a chipper White House aide:

  • The general production of the book is poor: the paper has too much “see-through,” causing the type on the back of a page to interfere with the legibility; the type is too gray; the definitions are run into one another, with semicolons in place of definition numbers, making it difficult to distinguish senses and requiring one to read through a long entry before coming to the sense sought; it is almost impossible to discover where a new part of speech begins; subentries of idiomatic phrases and phrasal verbs are given the same prominence as headwords, making them easy to find but detracting from the headword treatment; and the substandard typography has created many loose lines which poor proofreading has failed to catch.

  • During the hearings, we watched unfold before us a variety of words and phrases to indicate the concept of not telling the truth.

  • According to KSM, he taught the three operatives basic English words and phrases.

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