Example sentences for: p-d

How can you use “p-d” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • For example, if two adjacent markers P and D have genotypes BBCCC and CCCCC , then there must be at least one unrecovered SDP between P and D . Until we actually type markers in the P-D interval, we do not know whether the intercalated SDP is BCCCC or CBCCC . To discover the undefined SDP could require considerable effort especially if available polymorphic markers on the P-D interval have been exhausted.

  • Under the null hypothesis, the probability of cancer death in each group is p . Under the alternative hypothesis the probability of cancer death is p in the control group and p-d in the study group, where d is the probability of cancer death in the control group minus the probability of cancer death in the screened group.

  • 45 mm), and 32p-dCTP were obtained from Amersham (Arlington Heights, IL).

  • where v cancerH0 = p and v cancerHA = p-d are the variances for one subject under the null and alternative hypotheses respectively.

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