Example sentences for: p-binding

How can you use “p-binding” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Therefore, genes whose TCRs contained any word pair within this group probably contained a conserved Cbf1p-binding site, along with a conserved Met31/32p-binding site, and the distances between the conserved sites in these genes were also smaller than expected by chance.

  • One cluster (cluster 7) consisted of around 90 known Msn2/Msn4p targets and was enriched for genes whose promoters contain the known Msn2/Msn4p-binding site as well as other C-rich sequences that are similar to, but distinct from, the Msn2/Msn4p site (see below).

  • Some of the binding-site occurrences shown in Figure 6are likely to have occurred by chance (especially for sequences that are common in the genome, such as the Hap2/3/4p-, Mig1p-, and Msn2/Msn4p-binding sites).

  • These factors recognize a sequence that is very similar to the Mig1p-binding site, and it is possible that the enriched sequence actually represents derivative Mig1p elements.

  • The second cluster that these genes belonged to (cluster 4) comprised known Yap1p targets, most of which contain the Yap1p-binding site within their promoters.

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