Example sentences for: digging

How can you use “digging” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The WP 's story emphasizes growing governmental concern, quoting Tony Blair's assessment that the West's economies "will not emerge from this turmoil without being affected by it," and a senior U.S. official's revelation that communications between Washington and Tokyo "are getting testier, and there is pessimism here about whether Japan has any conception about how to stop digging the hole it's in."

  • Sandy beaches are more fun than pebbles for castle building and hole digging, so bear that in mind when choosing your island.

  • "They don't use real words much anymore," lamented the mother of one contestant last spring, after her son misspelled "fodient" in Round 6. ("Fodient" means "fitted for, or pertaining to, digging."

  • A majority of economists believes that during a severe depression--which certainly doesn't describe America right now--it's important to pay people to do make-work (digging ditches or restoring hiking trails will also do).

  • Just as rescuers were digging out victims of Tuesday's avalanche in Austria, another hit Wednesday, decimating four buildings.

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