Example sentences for: dictator

How can you use “dictator” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Over the past few days, these demonstrators shouted: "Down with the dictator," "Oh Great Leader, shame on you!"

  • When Communist dictator Josip Broz Tito took over in 1945, he attempted to quash Serbian nationalism . He preached that there was no room for ethnic differences in the class struggle.

  • The weirdest thing, to my mind, is the way the candidates and the media all seem to pretend that we are electing a benevolent dictator who, once elected, will snap his fingers, and the thousands of pages of position papers drawn up by his campaign staff will automatically become the law of the land.

  • Diagnosis: Indonesians are angry with their dictator, President Suharto, and are ready to dump him now that his corruption and mismanagement have ruined the economy.

  • We can work with a dictator, believes Kristol, but we don't have to pretend we approve of him.

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