Example sentences for: diction

How can you use “diction” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Within the past five or six years, however, I have observed that elegance has come to be a matter of phase rather than diction.

  • Ever since the Norman invasion, people have preferred to use the longer Latinate terms over the blunt Anglo-Saxon words: the general feeling, with some small basis, is that such diction shows a touch of class.

  • The following list is a small sample of the deranged diction offered by the media over a two-year period.

  • Spooner admitted “occasional infelicities in verbal diction” but became openly irritated when his name was associated with oral transpositions.

  • Elsewhere, Anderson uses Mamet actors and Mamety diction, but he's the Anti-Mamet.

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