Example sentences for: dictatorship

How can you use “dictatorship” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • After tossing off the shackles of Franco’s long dictatorship that isolated Spain from the rest of Europe, Madrid erupted from the closet, embracing a frenetic arts and nightlife scene called la movida in the early 1980s.

  • A profile of Spanish King Juan Carlos applauds him for transforming a backward fascist dictatorship into a thriving, tolerant democracy.

  • The LAT front-page account of all this depicts Gingrich in a somewhat more ironic light, quoting the Speaker as saying that in his discussions with Jiang, he saw "no defense of dictatorship" of the sort the Soviets used to make.

  • Nigeria's president has promised a full transition to democratic government after years of military dictatorship.

  • In short, the newly launched Barak era has the makings of the democratic version of a benevolent dictatorship."

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