Example sentences for: dictionaries

How can you use “dictionaries” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Some conservative dictionaries published earlier in the 20th century listed a huge number of Scotticisms on the (justifiable) grounds that they would be useful in reading Burns; but most school editions containing Burns's poetry later on supplied glosses, so an ancillary reference proved unnecessary.

  • When will people learn that dictionaries are not the product of the collective imaginations of those who prepare them or the manifestations of the dreams of a single lexicographer but the result of lengthy, painstaking research to determine how the language is being used, the analysis and codification of the results, and then their organization into a usable reference source?

  • Though the term may once have been anomalous when used of a young woman, today it is a recognized common-gender noun, and the next round of dictionaries will no doubt add their authority to the change.

  • Not only will it avoid confusion among users of dictionaries, but it will restore the preeminence of Brahma or Brahman while reducing the brahmans to the status of the rest of us mortals, where they really belong.

  • The publication of college dictionaries in the U.S. provides an outstanding textbook demonstration of the principles of competitive free enterprise at work and of what used to be called supply and demand, but is now dubbed “market forces.”

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