Example sentences for: dictates

How can you use “dictates” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The cage diameter for cylindrical cages and cage height in rectangular cages (where cage is inserted and rotated 90°) dictates the extent of medial facetectomy needed for cage insertion.

  • OK, OK, Culturebox understands that the dictates of the market supersede nitpicky aesthetic judgments, no matter how right they happen to be.

  • In my mind, under the burden of all those dictates competing to stereotype rather than support me, the legitimacy of the notion of such control simply collapsed.

  • Most of today's independents are family-operated companies blighted by the biological law of "regression to the mean," which dictates that heirs are rarely as bright or motivated as founders (look at the San Francisco Chronicle ). So let's not reflexively mourn the gobbling of small media by big media.

  • Nonetheless, his writings are too influential to be ignored, even if the provocative issues he raises are more usefully (and honestly) argued on the level of the policies they point to than on the level of what the Constitution dictates.

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