Example sentences for: defects

How can you use “defects” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Currently, the program is using post-assembly inspection to identify and fix defects rather than statistical process control techniques to prevent them.

  • We found a similar phenotype upon overexpression of Hoxd-4 in our transgenic system (Kappen, manuscript in preparation), whereas overexpression of the LIM-homeodomain transcription factor Isl-1 did not cause abnormalities in cartilage but other developmental defects [ 1 9 ] . The observation that cartilage is affected by misregulation of Hoxc-8 and Hoxd-4, but not by a divergent homeobox gene, indicates that the capacity to regulate cartilage differentiation is specific to homeobox genes of the Hox subclass.

  • Mutagenesis for the third screen is underway, but the assays, which include looking for defects that specifically affect adults, are still at the pilot stage; this autumn, the project's executive committee, which is headed by Nüsslein-Volhard, will decide which assays to use in the full-scale screen.

  • In the case of IP-10, it has been shown that in transgenic mice treated with this chemokine, wounds heal poorly and exhibit defects in angiogenesis and development of the granulation tissue [ 8 ] .

  • The lack of secretion defects in some of the mutants indicates that non-nucleoporins are being trafficked properly when Nups are mislocalized.

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