Example sentences for: defenceless

How can you use “defenceless” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • "Two policemen seeking asylum in Britain told the Observer they took part in massacres and torture of defenceless civilians, under orders," the newspaper said.

  • The London Observer reported Sunday that Malaysia had "carried out a mass poisoning of defenceless refugees and migrant workers in detention camps" to "subdue them before repatriation."

  • Few were aware, it said, that "Miss Lewinsky received a telephone call from Mr Clinton at 2 a.m. on December 17, 1997, suggesting that she issue a false affidavit to pre-empt a subpoena in the Paula Jones lawsuit"; or that "on January 21, 1998, Mr Clinton told his aide Sidney Blumenthal, falsely, that Miss Lewinsky was a 'stalker,' setting in motion the White House smear campaign against the defenceless, star-struck, exploited girl."

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