Example sentences for: defendants

How can you use “defendants” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Besides his proposals to abolish virtually all exclusionary rules and require criminal defendants to testify against themselves in pretrial depositions, he would limit search warrants to the point of virtual disuse and, with them, the requirement of probable cause.

  • On the other hand, I found utterly fascinating the chapter Censorship, which describes--rather cursorily, I regret to say--several US court cases in which defendants were charged with various violations stemming from their use of bad language.

  • Bounty hunters work for bail-bondsmen . They are dispatched to capture defendants in criminal cases who have skipped bail posted by bail-bondsmen.

  • A country that doesn't respect the rights of defendants and which practices the death penalty doesn't have the right to be part of Europe."

  • An article denounces the conservative claim that death-penalty defendants are adequately represented.

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