Example sentences for: additions

How can you use “additions” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • An important Roman outpost with an excavated amphitheater as proof, Spoleto also boasts a sober Romanesque cathedral with 17th-century additions, decorated with damaged but still graceful Fra Filippo Lippi frescoes (1469).

  • The latest additions, however, rattle that confidence.

  • We have adopted this strict naming scheme so that MAGE-ML is predictable and so that future additions and extensions to MAGE-ML will be compatible.

  • Provided that the user makes sure to double-check the information in both books and is not tempted to accept as gospel everything encountered in either work, both books should be considered useful additions to a reference library.

  • Tender nipples stuck through with gold rings, sensitive tongues punched through with barbells that make a noise against the teeth, penises pierced for rings that go fore-and-aft or sideways, rings for the clitoral hood and labia both inner and outer--all these have been common additions to the chic ensemble since about 1992, hidden away behind clothing or lips.

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