Example sentences for: additivity

How can you use “additivity” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • This model can accommodate dominance ( a = 1; b = c = d ), additivity ( a = 1; c = d ; b = (1 + d )/2), or recessiveness ( a = b = 1 and c = d ) of the resistant alleles.

  • This would also explain the longer time required for LN1 induction of aggregates as well as the additivity seen here and in previous reports.

  • The additivity of statin- and PO-stimulated shedding is consistent with the hypothesis that statins act at or near the plasma membrane, prior to internalization of csAPP.

  • NJ recreates the correct additive tree as long as the input distances are additive [ 23 ] , and is effective even if additivity is only approximated [ 24 ] .

  • Specifically, the conditions to observe population heterozygote advantage are broadest when allele-specific overdominance holds and become narrower as the underlying genetics becomes more "different" from overdominance of resistance (dominance -> additivity -> recessiveness -> underdominance).

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