Example sentences for: additive

How can you use “additive” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The mixture has an additive effect: A drinker could spike himself with a lower-than-lethal dose and still OD.

  • Specifically, population heterozygote advantage may be observed when resistance is additive (heterozygotes have risks equal to the average of the risks of the corresponding homozygotes), when resistance is recessive, or even when it is underdominant (heterozygotes have higher risk of disease than either corresponding homozygote).

  • The other pathway stems from SA accumulation and signals through NPR1 . By contrast, PR-5 induction by avirulent bacteria involves at least two additional pathways that also act in an additive fashion.

  • Sternberg has attempted to apply a modified version of additive factor theory to brain systems using neuroimaging that allows for some of these possibilities [15,16].

  • Potassium iodide can be used at dinner as a salt substitute; Morton salt includes significant amounts of it as an additive because iodine (like chlorine, a valence-1 halogen and a gas in its natural state) is necessary to the proper functioning of our thyroid glands.

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