Example sentences for: addison

How can you use “addison” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • We all know about The Tatler and one or two others and might even have read essays from them by Addison and Steele.

  • Then she got sick, we now think of Addison's disease, and died at the unfair age of 41.

  • Chronically elevated cortisol levels caused by Cushing's syndrome leads to central obesity [ 1 ] while the reduction of cortisol caused by Addison's disease leads to decreased body weight [ 2 ] . Obesity in several rodent models is also associated with elevated corticosterone levels, and adrenalectomy reverses some of the phenotypes associated with these forms of obesity [ 3 4 5 6 7 ] . Furthermore, elevated corticosterone production can cause a metabolic syndrome [ 8 ] . These data suggest that reduction of glucocorticoid production might therefore constitute a plausible clinical strategy to treat obesity.

  • Six patients (26%) had hypothyroidism, one patient had Addison disease, and one patient had Raynaud syndrome.

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